+2 regular form fill up from today

The form filling process of regular students for +2 Arts, Commerce, Science and Vocational examination started today i.e. Tuesday. It will continue till next 29th. Those who won’t be able to fill the form within this period, they can fill the form between December 1st and 4th by paying a late fine of Rs 100.

The Council of Higher Secondary Education (CHSE) has informed that those who could not fill the form within this deadline also due to any problem, can do it on December 6th and 7th by paying a fine of Rs. 450.

According to the information, the +2 exam will start from February 14th and will continue till March 13th. The exam schedule will be published by the second week of January. Like last year, the final result will be released with 80 percent annual and 20 percent internal exam weightage this year, CHSE said.

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