International Women’s Day: All you need to know about this day…

International Women’s Day (IWD), celebrated worldwide on March 8, commemorates the remarkable social, economic, cultural, and political strides made by women. It also serves as a catalyst for advancing gender equality. This occasion not only applauds women’s accomplishments but also underscores the persistent challenges they face, advocating for ongoing global efforts.

Global Collaboration for Gender Parity: Events on International Women’s Day
On this significant day, numerous events occur globally, uniting individuals dedicated to human rights and gender equality. As Gloria Steinem eloquently put it, the quest for women’s equality transcends individual efforts or organizations, belonging instead to all who champion human rights.

2024 Themes: Investing in Women and Inspiring Inclusion
The United Nations has designated the theme for 2024 as ‘Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress,’ focusing on addressing economic disenfranchisement. Complementing this, the campaign theme ‘Inspire Inclusion’ emphasizes the importance of diversity and empowerment across society’s various domains.

Roots of International Women’s Day, a Legacy of Struggle and Solidarity
Originating from labor movements in the early 20th century in North America and Europe, International Women’s Day has deep historical roots. Its genesis lies in the inaugural observance of National Women’s Day in the United States on February 28, 1909, followed by its formal proposal by Clara Zetkin at the 1910 International Women’s Conference in Copenhagen.

Evolution into a Global Phenomenon:
Since its inception, International Women’s Day has burgeoned into a globally recognized celebration. The United Nations began officially marking the day in 1975, subsequently inviting member states in 1977 to proclaim March 8 as the UN Day for Women’s Rights and World Peace.

Significance and Advocacy:
International Women’s Day holds immense significance as it sheds light on critical issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and the scourge of violence against women. It serves as a platform for collective action and collaboration to advocate for women’s rights and empowerment, reminding us that gender parity remains a distant goal despite progress.

A Call to Action:
More than a mere celebration, International Women’s Day serves as a clarion call for gender equality, prompting reflection, advocacy, and concerted action to dismantle barriers hindering the progress of women and girls globally.

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