Know the importance of Millet on this millet year

Millet has been considered as a staple food among tribal groups of Odisha since time immemorial. Our Odisha millet program is being praised at the national level for popularizing it as a highly nutritious food.

Millet has many medicinal properties. It is rich in calcium, manganese and vitamin D. It contains tryptophan amino acid which regulates appetite. Being high in fiber, it helps to prevent hunger and save us from osteoporosis disease. A person who always eats millet does not get diabetes. It aloso regulates blood cholesterol.

Because millet is rich in amino acids, it does not allow fat to accumulate in the liver. Therefore, millet plays an important role in keeping the liver healthy. People who eat millet every day do not suffer from insomnia or depression. The level of hemoglobin in the blood stays normal. It helps to keep the face beautiful, young and attractive.

A person who eats millet every day does not suffer from acidity, gastric, diarrhea, blood diseases, body inflammation or burns. Millet is considered as a good path. It can be used by everyone from small children to old age and sick people.

In Ayurveda, it is considered as a diuretic, when used in cases of scanty urine, it simply causes the urine to pass. Millet is a interesting dish with full of proteins, vitamins, minerals, etc. People of all grades and age like it.

If the disease of metal corrosion occurs at a young age, it can be cured with the consumption of millet in the morning. Now the Millet Mission program has been started in the state to make people aware about the benefits of millet. After knowing the benefits of Millet, everyone wants to live healthy by taking it or ragi and making Millet soup, Millet tea, Millet pan cake, drinks, upuma, idli, etc. Staying at home could protect you from Corona.

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