This Diwali Will be a ‘Green Cracker’ Diwali

Bhubaneswar: The Commissionerate Police is working hard to make this Diwali celebration clean, green and safe. According to the Supreme Court order, only green crackers are allowed to be burst. Sellers are allowed to sell only green crackers.

People are allowed to burst crackers from 8 pm to 10 pm only. It is prohibited to burst offensive crackers within 100 meters of hospitals, educational institutions, courts and places of worship. Commissionerate Police has warned that action will be taken against those who violate the rules.

Air pollution is increasing day by day in Bhubaneswar. The burst of crackers can multiplies it in a single day. Along with air pollution, noise pollution also creates deadly conditions. A lot of accidents also happen during diwali. Keeping all these aspects in mind, the police commissionerate has prepared a blue-print. Out of 500 traders applied for licenses, about 90 percent were granted permission. They will set up bazaars in large squares and open areas like Baramunda, Rasulgarh, Chandrashekharpur, Jatni. Fire safety will also be given importance. Among these, DCP Pratik Singh has formed two special teams to check whether the traders are selling green crackers or not and whether they are the rules or not. The pollution board officers and the fire brigade under the leadership of two ACPs will jointly monitor the bazaars. Besides, DCP Mr. Singh has instructed every police station to be alert to monitor their area. Police and patrolling teams will keep constant vigil to ensure that people burst crackers within the stipulated time. Those who violate the rules will be identified and legal action will be taken against them.

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