Forest products (NTFPs) play a crucial role in the livelihoods of rural and tribal families in the state. Tribal household collects the different Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) like mahua flower, Kendu leaves, Sal leaves, Sal seed, Karanja seed, Amla, kusum during different season of the year. Sal Forests are an important Source of NTFPs for healthcare, domestic consumption and income Generation for people living in the rural communities.
Although NTFPs play an important role in the livelihoods of rural poor families. They usually put their hopes on Potential gains generated from the marketing of NTFPs. However, Vermicomposting also Serve as a vital livelihood resource at the time of need. Furthermore, Vermicomposting extraction has multiplier Effects on the economy by generating employment and income in downstream processing and trading activities. OFSDP-II has started a vermicompost skill development training programme. On This Training programme, around 30 to 40 members of VSS/SHG/POP participated. This Training programme was organized by Manada FMU and it was a grand success.

In Kitabeda VSS, Maa Tarini SHG President Smt. KuniNaik, Secretary Nagi Majhi and member Raimani Naik and other members, started the Vermicompost making and marketing with the help of Rs/-20,000 revolving fund of OFSDP-II. With the instruction of ACF Range Officer, they started making of Vermicompost for the months of May and June. They started the Vermicompost making for a sustainable livelihood. Nagi Majhi and Raimani Naik SHG members Started the Vermicompost in their village kitabeda and by seeing this, the nearest villagers also got motivated to start such type of income Generation activity.
DFO Cum DMU Chief Sri Siba Prasad Rath associated with the marketing of Vermicompost, motivates the SHG Members every time to for IGAs. Maa Tarini self-help group sold the Vermicompost with a profit of Rs/-29,875. It’s a great opportunity for Sustainable IGA of SHG members of kitabeda VSS Of Manada FMU. According to Kitabeda VSS President, OFSDP II opens the road map to earn more than 50000 rupees only in 5 months and one can achieve a sustainable Livelihood.